In the early 2000’s, the Macungie Ambulance Corps realized the lack of a dedicated support unit for area firefighters and other emergency responders on physically and emotionally demanding incidents. Several such incidents have tried our (and other services) ability to cope with the specialized needs of these personnel.
The stress experienced by emergency responders in these situations is extremely unique and is not easily handled with the equipment readily available on a normally equipped EMS unit. The purpose of this special operations unit is to bridge the gap between normal EMS care and a dedicated canteen service. This unit can be requested at any time by any emergency response agency within Lehigh county and surrounding areas. It is meant to supplement the EMS units already operating on the scene, not replace them. Members responding with the unit are knowledgeable in rehab theory and practice and will supply the equipment and supplies needed for proper emergency incident rehabilitation.
In 2023, as the needs of the community evolved, the Macungie Ambulance Corps helped create the Lehigh County Joint Rehab Task Force. This group continues the long tradition our organization has had in “Serving Those That Serve Others.” For emergency responders requesting incident support from the Joint Rehab Task Force, simply request “Station 101” be dispatched by the Lehigh County 911 Center.